Written By Donna M. AtwoodIn my previous post, I explained that Dale Pond was able to determine that a mathematical relationship exists between pure vibrations of sound, at higher frequencies. (the music scale) and the vibrations of the rainbow spectrum. Here are a few simple concepts (in blue) I’d like to present before we go any further. Don’t worry, all of this will fit together. Please be patient.
At top is the Sound Spectrum. At bottom is the Electromagnetic Energy/Radiation (Light) Spectrum. According to Dr. Vish Vadari, a Global Senior Tech Specialist at ZF in Canton, Michigan, "Regarding the frequency spectrum, frequency, simply stated, means the rate at which something is repeated over a particular period of time, such as per second, per minute, per hour, per day, per week...you got the idea. But here, I am talking very specifically about the rate at which an object or a part of the object vibrating. This vibration actually constitutes a wave in a material or in a medium (purely vibration or sound waves). These are usually measured in vibrations per second. The unit of measurement is normally referred to as hertz (in short Hz). Small historical note: The hertz (symbol Hz) is the unit of Frequency."
Different sand patterns emerge with different resonances. So, at this point, we understand that a relationship exists between sound and light. We also know that different sound vibrations can create different geometric shapes with sand. Simply stated, if we change the frequency, we change the geometry. Wilcock then goes on to tie geometry and color together, saying that geometry is color! But before he makes this idea clear, he explains that according to The Law of One, true green, true blue or true red, etc. are not the same as green, blue or red that we see with the naked eye. What we humans are able to see represents a mirror of vibrational relationships with true colors. Add to this the idea that as we move into higher dimensions, (Earth is presently moving from 3rd and 4th dimensions into the 5th dimension) our sun is also more energetic. In fact, all of the planets in our solar system are shifting because of their changing frequencies not just Earth. So, higher electromagnetic energy is coming out of the sun. This means that the photons are different. The new frequency of light that we're in now, according to The Law of One is true color green. In essence, according to Wilcock, "what we are now looking at is a new model of biology, one which takes a digital view of the photon." That's because the photon is considered to be a HUGE storage medium (sort of like a UBS stick). This idea only makes sense if each photon contains a genetic code within it. So basically, Wilcock is suggesting that each photon from the sun contains DNA inside of it, which is at a very precise note or frequency. This DNA, at an exact frequency, is considered to also exist as a precise, fractal, geometric shape, and it will retain its shape as the photon moves through space. This concept is what many esoteric traditions around the world point to in their teachings. If you prefer things boiled down to their simplest form, stated another way, light is alive. If that weren't enough to blow your mind, this overall idea may also explain how and why life may exist throughout the universe. Whew! I know this sounds like science fiction, but I do recall reading about microbes which are known to have survived the rigorous environment of space. So, maybe...just maybe, there's something to this. On the other hand, I'm having a difficult time believing that DNA could exist inside of a photon. What makes more sense to me, at least at this present time, is that light can impact DNA. For example, ultraviolet light impacts DNA by sometimes causing skin cancer. But DNA inside of a photon? Honestly, I'm not so sure. However, if it turns out that I'm wrong about this, I'll have no problem admitting so. (According to those who know me best, being honest and not overly proud or stubborn are some of my best traits.) One more thing: there is no part of this discussion which takes away from my personal belief in God. Whether some, none or all of these ideas are true, I'm still a believer. As always, thank you for taking the time to read my blog. If you enjoyed this information, please hit the like button and leave a comment below. Wishing you love and light, Donna M. Atwood ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Donna M. Atwood, founder of ALIEN EXPERIENCERS NETWORK is also an American writer of suspenseful paranormal and science fiction as well as spiritually based non-fiction. In her fictional works, she draws upon her B.A. in psychology to develop flawed and complex characters, while her background as a nanotechnology start-up owner serves as the foundation for her sci-fi's exciting, futuristic technologies. In addition, as a trained massage therapist and ET/UAP experiencer, when it comes to her non-fiction writings, Ms. Atwood is comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition. Ms. Atwood is known for reaching out to other experiencers as she maintains that there is nothing more important than supporting one another during this time of ascension. Donna M. Atwood graduated Summa Cum Laude from Argosy University with a B.A in Psychology and Magna Cum Laude from the prestigious Center for Natural Wellness with a Diploma in Massage Therapy. She is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the American Massage Therapy Association, the Exoconsciousness Group, the New York Writers Association and Rave Reviews Book Club. Additionally, she proudly supports Phoenix, Arizona's chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Currently, Ms. Atwood resides in Tucson, Arizona where she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, including her grand dog, Luna. She is also frequently sighted around Scottsdale, Arizona where she is known to scour the area for that perfect bottle of wine, unusual cheeses and other culinary delights. She also makes a point of visiting Sedona, Arizona where she partakes of its vibrant arts community, New Age shops, and world-class hiking. CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: Website Categories All
1/23/2023 06:36:12 am
I find it all fascinating, Donna! I truly believe we are all a vibrational essence about us, which is why we are sometimes drawn toward some and repelled by others without even knowing them yet. I also believe that is why being in nature has a calming and healing effect on us. Recently, in my class, my students learned about Henrietta Lacks and her immortal cells, and it made me ponder if she may have been on of those whose cells had ascended. Very interesting stuff! Thanks for sharing it with us.
1/27/2023 11:55:46 pm
Hi Yvette! I'm not familiar with Henrietta Lacks, but I'm going to look into her. What can I say? Inquiring minds want to know! Thanks for stopping by. Best wishes, Donna : )
1/24/2023 06:14:42 am
Donna, your blogs take me back to science class. I've seen the experiment with sand before and it makes me think of the crystal bowl sessions when I have a Reiki treatment. People react so differently to the sounds, and the sounds mist be having such a profound effect on our bodies and minds.
1/28/2023 12:01:53 am
Maura Beth, I must say that I've been thinking about going in for Reiki treatment. I studied massage, not Reiki, but based on my understanding, there really is something to it. Thank you for your comments! Best wishes, Donna : )
1/28/2023 12:03:43 am
Susanne, you crack me up! If you think this is intense, you should go shopping with me. This is nothing!!!! Lol!!!!
2/1/2023 12:43:04 pm
Donna, how did I miss this post? If you believe in God, then you KNOW that light is alive! Jesus is the LIGHT of the World, AND he is LIFE. None of what you've posted in any way negates the existence of a God who is intimately involved in the universe and each one of us. He is so much more than humans will ever comprehend.
2/1/2023 06:45:43 pm
Hi Patty! No worries, I'm still going through posts and making sure I ultimately don't miss anything. By the way, thank you for clarifying a couple of key points here...very helpful!!!! : )
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