How a Large Luminous Orb Changed My Life for the BetterWritten By D.M. Atwood Since about the age of four, I've experienced some strange occurrences including UAP, ET and paranormal encounters, among other things. As you might expect, all of this high strangeness has resulted in my deeply contemplating humankind's place in our solar system, as well as in the universe as a whole. Looking back, it’s difficult to describe just how much I’ve grown from these experiences. The history and culture I've learned through my research. The extraterrestrial species I've discovered. The purpose behind the technology of each person's soul. But above all else, I've come to appreciate the intelligent determination and divinity which exist all around us. For me this has been a time of amazing discovery. Even so, its been slow going. After all, if growth is non-linear, then spiritual growth - with its light-filled rapture and dark, dreadful nights - is downright chaotic. While my it's true that journey into all of this took root during my early childhood, it was approximately ten years ago when I noticed a sudden and dramatic uptick in my otherworldly experiences. This began late one night after I witnessed a large luminous orb of plasma hovering off the ground in upstate New York. To be clear, this was a close encounter; the ball of light was no more than twenty-five feet away. Perhaps more interesting was the fact that it seemed to be intelligent. Conscious, even. The very next night, I experienced what Native Americans refer to as a shamanic initiation crisis. Others call it the living resurrection. Either way, at the time I had no idea what was happening as my body shook in what could best be described as grand mal seizure-type movements. While it's true that I was wide awake and fully conscious as my body shook, for some reason, I was remarkably calm. Intuitively, I knew the shaking wouldn't last long and that I would physically be all right. What I did not know was just how much this experience would expand my mind. It blew it wide open! So wide in fact that I was literally clairaudient overnight. Because everything happened so quickly and unexpectedly, I didn't have a clue how to handle my psychic abilities. Then again, how could I, given the fact that I mistakenly thought I was experiencing psychosis. As a result, things were tough going there for awhile. Frankly, for a couple of years afterwards, I was concerned about my mental health—so much so that I sought help from a psychiatrist. Within two weeks, he told me I was fine. Honestly, I wasn’t so sure. Not knowing what to think, I went on to attribute my experiences to hallucinations from a medication I’d been prescribed. Truth is, my experiences were so bizarre and so otherworldly, that this was the only explanation that made any sense to me. A large glowing orb? A seizure-like event? A sudden ability to hear things inside my head? For God's sake, what was going on? It was all nearly too much to handle. Of course we all know that even during the worst of times, life has a way of moving forward. As such, years passed and my understanding of otherworldly entities and spirituality increased. I did endure quite a few trials, tribulations and lessons. But these served to strengthen me in ways which were necessary for me to be able to speak openly about UFOs, ETs, interdimensionals and their link to increased perception and spirituality. One of the really cool aspects to my case is the fact that I didn't need any illicit drugs to breakthrough to the other side of reality. Looking back, this spiritual journey of mine has been everything from beautiful to bizarre. For example, my dark night of the soul was utterly terrifying - as in the-scariest-movie-you've-ever-seen-in-your-life type of experience. But it served as the flashpoint for change in a couple of my key relationships. Fact of the matter is, as difficult as my dark night was, I wouldn't take it back for anything. There have been some moments of great questioning as well, particularly when two luminous orbs came together in the sky above me and turned at a ninety degree angle. I believe they headed due north as a signal that an elderly relative needed my assistance. Turns out they were spot-on. Additionally, I experienced a sense of levitation while fully awake one night. Nobody could be more surprised about this than I was! This anti-gravity sensation occurred while a bright light shined in through my bedroom window. There was also squeezing sensation around my head and a loud buzzing in my ears. The room seemed to be filled with energy. To be perfectly honest, all of this scared the bejesus out of me! But once again, I was perfectly fine. My body had remained on the bed while my non-physical self rose above me. The next day I told ET in no uncertain terms that while I appreciated all of their lessons, I needed a night off. A woman needs her beauty sleep, after all. Thankfully they obliged. Honestly, I could go on and on, but you get the idea. I've been through a number of different experiences. Why? Well, that's the million dollar question but my main takeaway is that this so-called shamanic initiation crisis and the spiritual growth it caused, is the sole reason I’m able to write these words today. Before all of this, I only referred to UFOs or extraterrestrials or interdimensionals in terms of other people's experiences and science fiction. I was too afraid to come clean. I was too afraid to speak my truth. After all, what would people would think? Today, I include these topics in my non-fiction and science fiction writings. I also reach out to people on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tic Toc and Pinterest. I make videos for You Tube and podcasts for my website. I even had the honor of being invited for a radio interview earlier this year, which I really enjoyed. The thing is, in everything I do, I now speak my truth - at least as best as I understand it. It's ironic how for me, what was once the thing I avoided at all costs, has now become the best part of my life! It's literally because of my spiritual growth that I'm able to authentically connect with others about extraterrestrials, their craft, interdimensional entities and spirituality. And when I do so, I plant seeds. I do this because I never want anyone else to feel as lonely, uncertain and in the dark as I was when I first saw a floating ball of light on that fateful night. I want people to know that if something like this ever happens to them, it'll be okay. The key during those darkest hours - the dark night of the soul - is to hold on tight to whatever faith you have, even if it's just a mustard seed's worth. Believe me, it really will see you through, and in the end, things will ultimately be so much better in your life than you ever imagined. What about you? Have you had some sort of otherworldly encounter? Did you too experience a spiritual awakening/journey that you'd like to share? I'd truly love to hear your stories! Wishing you love and light, D.M. Atwood ABOUT THE AUTHOR: D. M. Atwood, founder of ALIEN EXPERIENCERS NETWORK is also an American writer of suspenseful paranormal and science fiction as well as non-fiction. She draws upon her B.A. in psychology to develop flawed and complex characters while her background as a nanotechnology start-up owner serves as the foundation for her sci-fi’s exciting, futuristic technologies. In addition, as a trained massage therapist, alien/UFO experiencer and student of spiritual studies, she is comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition. D. M. Atwood is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the American Massage Therapy Association, the New York Writers Association and Rave Reviews Book Club. Additionally, she proudly supports the Phoenix, Arizona chapter of the Mutual UFO Network and is presently training to become a Certified Field Investigator. Currently, Ms. Atwood resides in Tucson, Arizona where she enjoys spending time her friends and family, including her granddog, Luna. CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: Website Instagram Categories All
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