If your a fan of ufology, there's a pretty good chance you've at least heard about the Agarthans. However, as we all know, hearing about them and having an understanding of who they are and what they believe in, are two different things. So let's start with the basics. The Agarthans are known to be a highly advanced race made up of very tall of Humans. Males are said to be around fifteen feet or so in height. Females are not quite as tall. Strange as it may sound, the Agarthans are known to live in the interior of our planet. In fact, their capital city, Telos is located underneath Mount Shasta. Agarthans have suggested that every planet is hollow and that these interior spaces are where advanced civilizations live because of the protection it affords against both natural and intentional threats. Taking this idea one step further, Agarthan cities and subways are constructed of materials which exhibit a great degree of plasticity. This allows their structures to remain intact, even when strong earthquakes strike. Regarding spirituality, the Agarthans are a deeply spiritual people. Because of their universal perspective, they believe in the Cosmic Law of One, which teaches that everything and everyone is connected. In other words, whenever we do something, it has a ripple effect that extends beyond our own homes, friendships, businesses and communities. Literally, that ripple extends inside the Earth and out beyond our planet into the greater cosmic family. As such, it's probably no surprise that the Agarthans are members of the Galactenian Alignment of Space Peoples and Planets, a universal alliance that works on behalf of all universal beings. As such, the Agarthans have been known to communicate with regular folks here on the surface. Communication often takes place in the form of mental telepathy. The Agarthans wish for us to understand that many other extraterrestrial species are here at this time, and while their overarching goal may be straightforward, it is anything but simple. That's because they are actively working to assist us in raising our consciousness. However, given all the distractions and problems we surface dwellers currently face in the 21st century, this is a tremendous undertaking . Nevertheless, their ultimate plan is to integrate the inner and surface worlds so that we can function as one society. Once this goal is achieved, we too will become members of the Galactenian Alignment of Space Peoples and Planets. As for their technology, the Agarthans are said to use silver discs which fly out of the inner world to survey the surface. Here's where things get truly amazing. These discs function as conscious entities! That's because they use an amino-based computer system. In essence, this technology is considered to be an organic avatar. Talk about some cool nanotechnology. They are also said to make use of a "central sun" for free energy. Access to the inner world is just as Admiral Richard Byrd suggested way back in 1947 during Operation Highjump . It's at the north and south poles. (Other entrances are rumored to be at the Great Pyramid of Giza and Tibet.) Byrd, a military man, reported his findings to the U.S. government who told him to keep his mouth shut. Apparently, the U.S. already knew about the Agarthans because they had been contacted by representatives of the inner Earth world, who told them to immediately stop using/testing nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, this did not happen. What about you? Do you think you may have ever received a telepathic message from Agartha? If so, what did it say? Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I sincerely hope you've enjoyed this introduction to our inner Earth neighbors. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: D. M. Atwood, founder of ALIEN EXPERIENCERS NETWORK is also an American writer of suspenseful paranormal and science fiction as well as non-fiction. She draws upon her B.A. in psychology to develop flawed and complex characters while her background as a nanotechnology start-up owner serves as the foundation for her sci-fi’s exciting, futuristic technologies. In addition, as a trained massage therapist and alien/UFO experiencer, she is comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition. D. M. Atwood is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the American Massage Therapy Association, and Rave Reviews Book Club. Additionally, she proudly supports the Phoenix, Arizona chapter of the Mutual UFO Network and is presently training to become a Certified Field Investigator. CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: Website Categories All
Could an Alien Genetics Program Provide Humans with the Ability to Manifest Our Desired Destiny?2/6/2021 If fate, as many have suggested, is a product of divine intervention, then will our species ever reach a point in which we are truly in control of our lives? Will we ever be able to manifest our own destiny? In short, I believe the answer is yes. However, in order to achieve this ambitious goal, we will likely first need to reach a particular stage in our evolutionary development. The stage of which I’m referring to, is precognition, an awakening (or reawakening) of our ability to ascertain things which are not visible to the naked eye. Additionally, based on my own UFO/UAP encounters, I suspect that activating human precognition may represent one aspect of a much larger, overarching extraterrestrial genetic program. Let’s dive in a little deeper. For example, if a human embryo, (the product of an extraterrestrial encounter), were hybridized with extraterrestrial genetics, that same child may eventually display advanced capabilities specific to that alien's race. But what if the ETs decided to also switch on human abilities related to this same area of research - abilities which had gone dormant long ago? Is it possible this same child might genetically represent the best of both species? From a scientific viewpoint, I think the answer is obvious. Over the years, extraterrestrials could decide to secretly groom this person to be a leader of some sort. As a result, such an individual may elect to stand for something bigger than themselves. Maybe they will defend the planet by educating the public about the science behind climate change, or act as an ambassador to civilizations from within or beyond our solar system. Many people would agree these are worthy causes. But, what about less than noble causes? Couldn’t such a person be used to further a negative agenda? Regrettably, I believe this is possible. However, if such a person is overall positive in their outlook, has achieved telepathy and has communicated with benevolent beings—something often referred to as cosmic consciousness—then, I suspect such a scenario is far less likely. That’s because one outcome of such an experiment will likely be a hybridized person’s ability to vibrate at a high frequency. Over time, interactions (telepathic and otherwise) will naturally teach this person the important lesson of discernment. Also, let’s not forget that extraterrestrials may choose to watch over their test subjects and protect them from being exploited or weaponized in some manner. You don’t have to be a mathematician to understand that if we take this idea and multiply it by the number of people who have repeatedly been abducted (taking into account that abductions are often seen in families), then we can begin to imagine the scale at which this might really be occurring—and that doesn’t include all those people who never told anyone about their encounters. With any luck, maybe, just maybe our species is being prepared for future that’s far more positive and purposeful than most of us realize. Perhaps what we’re witnessing, at least with some of these alien abduction claims, is nothing less than the dawning of a New Earth, and our ability to manifest the destiny we always knew we wanted. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: D. M. Atwood is an American writer of suspenseful paranormal and science fiction as well as non-fiction. She draws upon her B.A. in psychology to develop flawed and complex characters while her background as a nanotechnology start-up owner serves as the foundation for her sci-fi’s exciting, futuristic technologies. In addition, as a trained massage therapist and alien/UFO experiencer, she is comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition. D. M. Atwood currently resides in Arizona. CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: Website Categories All |
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