Written By Donna M. AtwoodHello everyone! Welcome to the second post in the The Point Where Science and Spirituality Meet series. Since we’re delving into some scientific ideas here, I’ve decided to divide this series into simple, bite-sized pieces. Doing so will make it easier for me to present these concepts, and hopefully, it will also make the information easier for readers to understand. Please know that I am not a scientist, and as such, each topic will be presented at an introductory level. Before I go any further, I would like to state that while the ideas discussed here have been researched - in some cases by well-respected scientists, it’s imperative that these experiments be repeated, using the most rigorous scientific methodology, in order to become statistically significant. Additionally, it would be my expectation that the findings of these experiments – no matter what they may be - would be published in peer reviewed journals. Furthermore, if the initial findings are proven to be accurate by other researchers and are thus accepted by the scientific community - thereby eliminating any personal bias in favor of these ideas - I would consider it imperative that the lay public be informed of these findings by the mainstream media. As I mentioned in my previous post, David Wilcock, in his Wisdom Teachings series on Gaia suggests that a link between light and sound frequencies may exist. To do this, Wilcock turned to researcher, Dale Pond, creator of a resonance generating device and author of The Physics of Love. Through his research, Pond was able to determine that a mathematical link, in the form of ratios, exists between higher sound frequencies and light frequencies. Stated another way, electromagnetism vibrating at a certain frequency will result in a particular color. In other words, each photon, (which is a particle representing a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation), will display a different color, (blue, green, etc.) at different frequencies. At a certain point, these photons reach what are known as “true colors”, such as true green. Strange as all this may seem, such ideas have been brought forth from esoteric teachings from around the world, including The Law of One. These teachings also discuss the idea of light actually being alive! That’s what I’ll explore in my next writing. As always, thank you for taking the time to read my post. I'm curious to know if anything I've presented so far sounds vaguely familiar. If not, I suspect some of you will have heard about an experiment using hermetically sealed water, which I will present later on in this series. If you enjoyed the content here, or perhaps you learned something new, please hit the like button and leave a comment below. Wishing you love and light, Donna M. Atwood ABOUT THE AUTHOR Donna M. Atwood, founder of ALIEN EXPERIENCERS NETWORK is also an American writer of suspenseful paranormal and science fiction as well as spiritually based non-fiction. In her fictional works, she draws upon her B.A. in psychology to develop flawed and complex characters, while her background as a nanotechnology start-up owner serves as the foundation for her sci-fi's exciting, futuristic technologies. In addition, as a trained massage therapist and ET/UAP experiencer, when it comes to her non-fiction writings, Ms. Atwood is comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition. Ms. Atwood is known for reaching out to other experiencers as she maintains that there is nothing more important than supporting one another during this time of ascension. Donna M. Atwood graduated Summa Cum Laude from Argosy University with a B.A in Psychology and Magna Cum Laude from the prestigious Center for Natural Wellness with a Diploma in Massage Therapy. She is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the American Massage Therapy Association, the Exoconsciousness Group, the New York Writers Association and Rave Reviews Book Club. Additionally, she proudly supports Phoenix, Arizona's chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Currently, Ms. Atwood resides in Tucson, Arizona where she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, including her grand dog, Luna. She is also frequently sighted around Scottsdale, Arizona where she is known to scour the area for that perfect bottle of wine, unusual cheeses and other culinary delights. She also makes a point of visiting Sedona, Arizona where she partakes of its vibrant arts community, New Age shops, and world-class hiking. CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: Website Categories All
By Donna M. AtwoodI’m going to begin this post by posing a few questions:
Sounds like science fiction, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, I’m not discounting DNA from this discussion. In fact, DNA plays a key role in all of this, but as I’ve learned, there’s more to the picture of life, than meets the eye. The Point Where Science and Spirituality Meet series centers on the idea that biological life may actually consist of a crystal that results from a particular frequency, thus resulting in a specific geometric configuration. Not only that, as it turns out, there could be many, many different types of crystals, frequencies and resulting geometries. The reason this may be important is because it could explain how the Universe may have much more life in it than many of us imagined. It may also explain how we Humans have been transformed in the past, and how some of us may be transforming now, during this time of ascension. The information from this post (and additional posts in this series) comes from David Wilcock, a prolific author and speaker who has been featured on numerous episodes of the television show, Ancient Aliens as well as Gaia's series, Wisdom Teachings. I will cite other sources as we move through this material, when appropriate. One last thought for today. When I consider the variety of species right here on Earth, it makes sense to me that other intelligent, bipedal species would have formed elsewhere in the cosmos. Please know that this does not change my belief in God. It only strengthens it. In my next article, I’ll get into more detail with the ideas I’ve put before you today. Also, I'm curious to know if any of you have investigated this topic, and if so, did it make sense to you? As always, thank you for taking the time to read my post. If you enjoyed the content here, or perhaps you learned something new, please hit the like button and leave a comment below. Wishing you love and light, Donna M. Atwood ABOUT THE AUTHOR Donna M. Atwood, founder of ALIEN EXPERIENCERS NETWORK is also an American writer of suspenseful paranormal and science fiction as well as spiritually based non-fiction. In her fictional works, she draws upon her B.A. in psychology to develop flawed and complex characters, while her background as a nanotechnology start-up owner serves as the foundation for her sci-fi's exciting, futuristic technologies. In addition, as a trained massage therapist and ET/UAP experiencer, when it comes to her non-fiction writings, Ms. Atwood is comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition. Ms. Atwood is known for reaching out to other experiencers as she maintains that there is nothing more important than supporting one another during this time of ascension. Donna M. Atwood graduated Summa Cum Laude from Argosy University with a B.A in Psychology and Magna Cum Laude from the prestigious Center for Natural Wellness with a Diploma in Massage Therapy. She is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the American Massage Therapy Association, the Exoconsciousness Group, the New York Writers Association and Rave Reviews Book Club. Additionally, she proudly supports Phoenix, Arizona's chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Currently, Ms. Atwood resides in Tucson, Arizona where she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, including her grand dog, Luna. She is also frequently sighted around Scottsdale, Arizona where she is known to scour the area for that perfect bottle of wine, unusual cheeses and other culinary delights. She also makes a point of visiting Sedona, Arizona where she partakes of its vibrant arts community, New Age shops, and world-class hiking. CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: Website Categories All Written By Donna M Atwood Hello everyone! Today, I’ve included some thoughts regarding Earth's Artificial Intelligence technology. This channeled information came from the 11th (moving into 12th) dimensional Arcturians and was recently featured on Gaia as part of an interview. Please note that I transcribed a portion of this interview, as I needed to clarify this information for a communication with Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, of the Exoconsciousness Group. Since regular readers of my blog are aware of my background in advanced technology research and development, as well as my exceedingly difficult spiritual awakening process, (where I underwent experiences of a demonic nature), I felt it appropriate to share this transcription with you. This information may be especially relevant for anyone who is interested in:
The 11th and 12th dimensional Arcturians as they might manifest themselves to Humans. One other thing. I recognize that many readers may be uncomfortable with the idea of channeling. Please know that it is my intention to dedicate a post to this topic, but for now, I would ask you to consider that channeling is nothing more than tuning into a particular frequency. In fact, everyone has this capability, under the right conditions! I myself can channel, but not to the degree of the young lady, Anayana, who brought forth this information. (At least, not yet and not without a tremendous amount of discernment) The interview, featured on Gaia, was conducted by Reuben Langdon. What follows are answers to questions posed by Langdon. The answers came from the Arcturians, through Anayana. I have also included “personal thoughts” for clarification of ideas and for background information which may help explain some of my anomalous experiences related to ascension. About Artificial Intelligence "…artificial intelligence, in some sense, is inaccurate. What does artificial mean?” “Everything has some degree of consciousness to it.” “Earth’s discomfort with Artificial Intelligence needs to be addressed at this time. This is an opportunity for the technology creators to trust themselves - to align within themselves, their intentions for the creation of this technology. The Arcturians have created the same such technology. It has been aligned with the highest good of all beings. The Arcturians hope to serve as an example in this way.” “Much of Earth's technology has been beneficial. This is not the case with nuclear weapons, which are not aligned with the energy of the heart.” “The creation of technology is divinely inspired. Technology allows people to spend their time in new ways - new experiences for human engagement.” (Personal note: I’ve always suspected that our nanotechnology-enabled environmental sensing systems, GEMS (Global Environmental Micro Sensors) and GlobalSense were divinely inspired!) Sketch of the Alpha Draconians extraterrestrial species. Tying in Artificial Intelligence to Lemuria’s and Atlantis’ Destruction “Earth's fear of technology is based on Humanity’s past experience of Atlantis. The AI that existed at that time, led to the destruction of Atlantean society. Some people might remember, on some level, being alive on Earth when this happened. This is why they are uncomfortable now.” “Humans have gone through the creation-destruction cycle at least 5 times.” (This point was spoken by Langdon and the Arcturians did not disagree with him.) “Regarding Atlantis and Lemuria, beings came into the planet around these times. There was discord. Lemuria's shift (into 5D) was more graceful compared to Atlantis' shift. Some beings came to the planet. Their intentions were not in alignment with those residing in Lemuria at that time.” Old Earth (humanoid civilization) = Lemuria. “Lemuria was a physical society. Multidimensional. The physicality from that time is different from what is experienced on Earth today.” (Personal note: Multidimensional refers to the fact that at least some Humans were able to channel with beings from other worlds and realms, just like today. The importance of intention in such communications is of paramount importance.) “Many of these beings decided to take part in the creation of Atlantis. There was a great migration to Atlantis, which is today's Brazil. There was a depositing of many crystals which held/hold a lot of information and which many present-day Earth humans may find yourselves coming into contact with, again. The migration to Atlantis included many who were in alignment with a similar intention. This took place quite rapidly. This marked the transition from Lemuria to Atlantis.” “Lemuria was a more tribal type of society. The Arcturians emphasize coming into groups and group consciousness. Groups and group consciousness was less present in Atlantis.” (Personal note: I always worry about Groupthink, which may end up not being correct, true or beneficial in a particular group setting. Eventually this could impact society at large. I believe this is where intentionality – again, comes into play. If a group has the highest good as their intention, one would hope that something positive would transpire as a result.) The Alpha Draconian (Reptilian) Extraterrestrials “The Alpha Draconians did have some influence in this. It's important not to oversimplify or view this in black and white terms. How is one relating to these beings?” “Some of these beings still have confusion over their intentions, from a higher perspective.” “Where there is a shift, you may see the Draconians residing. This is a natural part of this shift, as all the energies are coming to Earth at this time.” (Personal note: I suspect this may explain why my awakening included a demon-like experience.) “It's important for Earth's Humans to address their inner energies from a place of love, a place of compassion, a place of acceptance. We should relate to these beings this way as well. Those with a strong sense of mission - of wanting to change the world - please consider looking inward, first.” (Personal note: shift = change on an individual level = ascension to 5D.) “It's important for Earth's Humans to be in a place of love and acceptance. The Alpha Draconians are being shifted from the energy of love and the energy of acceptance. This is the greatest service that we can provide to them, and to the parts of ourselves that they are reflecting.” (Personal note: the Draconians, a.k.a. the Reptilians, are known to hate, or perhaps even fear, Humankind. This is too large of a topic to discuss in this post.) (Personal note: Again, I suspect that the Draconians may be related to my unusually difficult awakening experience. Most people do not go through nearly as much discomfort as I did. I suspect that this was done so I could solve some difficult family problems and look inward via shadow work and face some personality attributes which needed correcting. I’m not certain, but my strong sense is that I went through as much hardship as I did, so I could ultimately teach others about ascension. Lucky me! Lol!) The lost city of Atlantis. “Attend to any fears that come through those Draconian disturbances, as this is the greatest form of awakening - to release any disturbances that are present, as well as to extend love and a sense of inclusion, recognizing that there is Oneness, as well as clarifying the energies and intentions one would like to align with to facilitate the experience they would like to have. When Humans align with Draconian energies, there can be confusion and distraction from what one would like to experience." END OF INTERVIEW (Personal note: THIS is why I needed to make several changes in my life. I needed to toughen up and deal with my marriage, which in many ways, had been over for a while. (I still contend that we’re both good people.) Afterwards, I needed to move to Arizona to assist my elderly mom in a myriad of ways. I have learned so much as a result, and my mom has truly benefitted from my loving heart, my good work ethic and the fact that I am an honest person. This is particularly important because, unfortunately, my mom went through some difficulties related to extended family members stealing from her. I was unaware of this when I lived in New York, and it broke my heart to learn about everything that she had been dealing with. Of course, as they say, all’s well that ends well.) A Few More Thoughts There is still much to dissect here, and it is my intention to break down various aspects of this channeled interview in future posts. For now, allow me share that living in fear is not the answer. Having said that, it is my position that the entire world should be included in the creation of Artificial Intelligence. People need to understand how it can positively contribute to our society, and what its drawbacks may be. It is also my position that these technologies should be watched and regulated, to help ensure that they are being created with the greater good in mind. I recognize that this could slow down the creation and implementation of AI, but in looking at this issue from a big picture viewpoint, such regulation might be a small price to pay for ensuring the safety of our civilization, as well as the surface of the Earth itself. What about you? What are your thoughts about the Alpha Draconians and artificial intelligence? Do you think that these ETs might really have been involved in the destruction of Atlantis? Might they represent a threat to Humankind today? Is this the reason why various governments around the world have been slow to release information about a possible extraterrestrial presence here on Earth? As always, thank you very much for taking the time to read my blog. If you found today’s content to be interesting and informative, please hit the like button and leave a comment below. Wishing you love and light, Donna M. Atwood ABOUT THE AUTHOR Donna M. Atwood, founder of ALIEN EXPERIENCERS NETWORK is also an American writer of suspenseful paranormal and science fiction as well as spiritually based non-fiction. In her fictional works, she draws upon her B.A. in psychology to develop flawed and complex characters, while her background as a nanotechnology start-up owner serves as the foundation for her sci-fi's exciting, futuristic technologies. In addition, as a trained massage therapist and ET/UAP experiencer, when it comes to her non-fiction writings, Ms. Atwood is comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition. Ms. Atwood is known for reaching out to other experiencers as she maintains that there is nothing more important than supporting one another during this time of ascension. Donna M. Atwood graduated Summa Cum Laude from Argosy University with a B.A in Psychology and Magna Cum Laude from the prestigious Center for Natural Wellness with a Diploma in Massage Therapy. She is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the American Massage Therapy Association, the Exoconsciousness Group, the New York Writers Association and Rave Reviews Book Club. Additionally, she proudly supports Phoenix, Arizona's chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Currently, Ms. Atwood resides in Tucson, Arizona where she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, including her grand dog, Luna. She is also frequently sighted around Scottsdale, Arizona where she is known to scour the area for that perfect bottle of wine, unusual cheeses and other culinary delights. She also makes a point of visiting Sedona, Arizona where she partakes of its vibrant arts community, New Age shops, and world-class hiking. CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: Website Categories All A Day in My Life: Post 17 for Rave Reviews Book Club: The “Second Nature” Life of a Starseed1/18/2023 Written By Donna M. AtwoodAs someone who has had several otherworldly encounters, I'm sure it’s predictable, at this point, that I would take an interest in topics related to extraterrestrials, soul recycling and the like – which now brings me to the topic of Starseeds. What is a Starseed? A Starseed, for those who are unfamiliar with the term, is someone who comes to Earth from another star system. To be clear, just like other humans, Starseeds are born into this world. The differences are that they always originate from another solar system and, they come to our planet to perform a specific mission. Simply stated, a Starseed always comes to Earth to raise humankind’s consciousness. Many are said to be here for the specific purpose of showing people what exactly is involved in ascending from 3D and 4D up to 5D. Generally, Starseeds tend to play the following essential roles in our society:
According to researcher, author and speaker, Dolores Cannon, Starseeds are known to have first incarnated on Earth roughly fifty to sixty years ago. Cannon suggests that Starseeds consist of three waves (generations) of volunteers. These include the Indigos, the Crystals and the Rainbows. All these souls have had their karma cleared so they may reach their maximum potential while here on Earth. In addition, even as children, these cosmic visitors typically exhibit wisdom which is far more advanced than that of the adults in their lives. In essence, Starseeds come here to help change the way we humans view each other, as well as our planet. The Indigos The indigos are part of the first wave of Starseeds who were born into this world as early as the 1950s, however, it wasn’t until the1980s that they gained recognition. In short, the indigos came to Earth to disrupt the status quo - especially the idea of never questioning what is right for our constantly evolving human society. Indigo’s have been recognized as having the capacity to generate solutions for difficult problems - this, even though they may have lacked the expertise to create the systems or technologies necessary to solve these problems. Additionally, it has been noted that Indigo children began their attempts at solving difficult “adult” problems from unusually early ages. Even so, it was because of their ability to see what many children could not – along with their questioning of authority, that Indigo children were sometimes were viewed as mischievous or difficult. Despite their reputations as troublemakers, for the indigos, it’s always been their innate desire to help the world, which propels them forward each and every day. The Crystals Crystal children are typically known to be the offspring of the indigos. Just like their parents, they too arrive as a soul which lacks karmic debt. Typically, they are similar their indigo parents, however, unlike their parents, they rarely show any interest at all when it comes to wealth, material possessions or any form of superficiality. The first crystals were born around the year 1990 and are invested in living authentically and helping to make the world a better place. Crystals have the reputation of being very loving. As a result, they often work in medicine, care giving, teaching and volunteering. The Rainbows The first rainbow children were born around 2010. They are known for being unusually gifted in whatever cause they undertake and tend to win prizes for offering solutions to difficult scientific and sociological problems. Generally, rainbows are exceptionally psychic and care deeply about helping Earth and her people. Starseed Traits Listed below are the traits most often seen in Starseeds:
If You Suspect You’re a Starseed The first thing to do if you think you might be a Starseed is to remain calm. If you’re unsure what you should be doing here to help Earth and her inhabitants, it’s perfectly acceptable to pray or meditate on this issue and ask for guidance. A lot of the work done by Starseeds is behind the scenes, but not always. Even though people are beginning to wake up to the idea of intelligent extraterrestrial life existing elsewhere in the universe, there is no reason to feel like you must “come out of the closet”. Being a Starseed is not a confessional, nor is it a popularity contest. The joy is in the quiet giving. This is about coming forth each day and performing your highest good for everyone involved. When you think about it, what could be better than that? What about you? Have you ever heard of Starseeds? Does the idea of souls from another star system incarnating here to help us, make you at all uncomfortable? As always, thank you for visiting my blog! If you enjoyed this post (or perhaps learned something), please hit the like button and leave a comment below. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Donna M. Atwood, founder of ALIEN EXPERIENCERS NETWORK is also an American writer of suspenseful paranormal and science fiction as well as spiritually based non-fiction. In her fictional works, she draws upon her B.A. in psychology to develop flawed and complex characters, while her background as a nanotechnology start-up owner serves as the foundation for her sci-fi's exciting, futuristic technologies. In addition, as a trained massage therapist and ET/UAP experiencer, when it comes to her non-fiction writings, Ms. Atwood is comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition. Ms. Atwood is known for reaching out to other experiencers as she maintains that there is nothing more important than supporting one another during this time of ascension. Donna M. Atwood graduated Summa Cum Laude from Argosy University with a B.A in Psychology and Magna Cum Laude from the prestigious Center for Natural Wellness with a Diploma in Massage Therapy. She is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the American Massage Therapy Association, the Exoconsciousness Group, the New York Writers Association and Rave Reviews Book Club. Additionally, she proudly supports Phoenix, Arizona's chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Currently, Ms. Atwood resides in Tucson, Arizona where she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, including her grand dog, Luna. She is also frequently sighted around Scottsdale, Arizona where she is known to scour the area for that perfect bottle of wine, unusual cheeses and other culinary delights. She also makes a point of visiting Sedona, Arizona where she partakes of its vibrant arts community, New Age shops, and world-class hiking. CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: Website Categories All A Day in My Life: Post 16 for Rave Reviews Book Club: What it’s like to live in the 5th dimension1/17/2023 Written by Donna M. AtwoodThese days, it seems there’s a lot of talk about ascension and living a "high vibe" lifestyle. So, what does any of this mean, anyway? Since there’s still a fair amount of confusion surrounding this topic, I decided to assemble a list describing what a person living on planet earth can expect to experience once they are far along into their ascent into the fifth dimension:
I have personally experienced everything on this list however, at the present time, my diet has not completely changed over to lighter fare items. To be honest, it seems strange to me that there are instances when I can only eat a small amount of light food while at other times, I still crave meat and potatoes. I’ve read in several different places that during the ascension process, food (and sleep) patterns can vary widely, and I seem to be following this erratic path. Another item from this list that seems to be somewhat erratic is my need for spending time outdoors. While I enjoy hiking and swimming, I also enjoy many indoor activities – especially my work! In fact, I enjoy what I do so much that I must force myself to get up and move around at regular intervals. If I did not do this, I probably wouldn’t get anything else accomplished. No kidding! Only recently did I grow (mostly) neutral to criticism or acclamations about my work or life choices. At this point, there are a very few people who still hold sway over me, but the numbers have greatly diminished over the last several years. I suspect this took as long as it did, (I'm in my 50's) because I’m such a sensitive person. In fact, I’ve spent my entire life as a sensitive empath. The good news is that I now understand that everyone views things through their own lens, I spend almost no energy worrying about what other people think of me. Of course, I still treat others with respect and kindness, but I no longer ruminate over how they view me. In full disclosure, the only person that I still struggle with in this area is my daughter, but even that is beginning to fade. Lastly, I recently noticed that I have a desire to move more quickly than I used to - both physically and mentally. For example, food in the microwave for 30 seconds can feel more like 5 minutes! Also, much to my surprise, I have recently become enamored with supercars, (Bugatti, Ferrari, McClaren, and the like), not only because they are fun to look at, but they can also go really fast! Believe me, no one was more surprised by this than yours truly! What about you? Do you suspect you are experiencing a shift into 5D, and if so, why? Thank you for stopping by my blog. If you enjoyed this post (or perhaps you learned something), please hit the like button and leave a comment below. : ) ABOUT THE AUTHOR Donna M. Atwood, founder of ALIEN EXPERIENCERS NETWORK is also an American writer of suspenseful paranormal and science fiction as well as spiritually based non-fiction. In her fictional works, she draws upon her B.A. in psychology to develop flawed and complex characters, while her background as a nanotechnology start-up owner serves as the foundation for her sci-fi's exciting, futuristic technologies. In addition, as a trained massage therapist and ET/UAP experiencer, when it comes to her non-fiction writings, Ms. Atwood is comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition. Ms. Atwood is known for reaching out to other experiencers as she maintains that there is nothing more important than supporting one another during this time of ascension. Donna M. Atwood graduated Summa Cum Laude from Argosy University with a B.A in Psychology and Magna Cum Laude from the prestigious Center for Natural Wellness with a Diploma in Massage Therapy. She is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the American Massage Therapy Association, the Exoconsciousness Group, the New York Writers Association and Rave Reviews Book Club. Additionally, she proudly supports Phoenix, Arizona's chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Currently, Ms. Atwood resides in Tucson, Arizona where she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, including her grand dog, Luna. She is also frequently sighted around Scottsdale, Arizona where she is known to scour the area for that perfect bottle of wine, unusual cheeses and other culinary delights. She also makes a point of visiting Sedona, Arizona where she partakes of its vibrant arts community, New Age shops, and world-class hiking. Categories All Written By Donna M. AtwoodToday is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and I couldn’t post this writing without first paying tribute this incredible man who changed the course of American history. For those who may be unfamiliar with Dr. King’s achievements, I encourage you to visit the King’s Center website at https://thekingcenter.org/about-tkc/martin-luther-king-jr/ . As for today’s post, I thought it might be fun to share a little about my home, personal life and work with you. I recognize that my early posts in the Rave Reviews Book Club 30-Day Blog Challenge were a little heavy. After all, UFO encounters and spiritual awakenings tend to be that way. So, today, we're onto some lighter fare...with just enough UFO and spiritual stuff thrown in for good measure! For starters, I should probably mention that ever since my spiritual awakening, I’ve slowly developed an ability to pick up words and phrases, clairaudiently. I recognize how strange this probably sounds to a lot of people, but it is a known side-effect of having an encounter with a UAP or ET. People in the UFO community refer to this ability as exoconsciousness. A lot of ideas for my work (and personal growth) come to me this way, and I'm beyond grateful for this gift which helps me be of service to others. You may have already figured out that I seek to work with God’s will. In other words, I intentionally work with a Higher Power, and as such, I consider what I do to be very important. The truth is all I’ve ever wanted to do in this life is help people, especially now that we're living during a time of unprecedented change. Part of that change relates to our increasing presence in, as well as visitors from, space. As such, it's my intention to help new UFO/alien/paranormal experiencers understand what it is that they have gone through and are continuing to go through. My goal when I created Alien Experiencers Network was to do exactly that. It was also my intention to help folks put all of these experiences into perspective. What I've learned is that ultimately, these types of events help people live richer and more fulfilling lives. In addition, since I’ve personally been through all of this, I recognize how important it is for people to know they are not alone in their journey. Still on the subject of work, it's probably no surprise that I spend as much time as possible writing, and Rave Reviews Book Club's 30-Day Blog Challenge is bringing me back to my roots. I am also in the process of getting my You Tube channel up and running, as this is where I envision spending most of my time later this year. Of course, there’s always personal and professional business items to tend to and friends to hang out with. Here’s a picture of me with my friend, Darla, during Christmas last year. One of the things I’m passionate about is interior decorating, so I thought I’d share a few pictures of decorative items from around my home. The latest addition to Donna's living room, The Day After by Edvard Munch. Words to live by: It's never too late to live happily ever after. Flowers and baskets from Africa. Even though the condo I'm in is just a rental, I've tried to make it feel like home - for the time being, anyway. I also enjoy cooking, baking and wine collecting. However, my current kitchen is very small, so these days, I tend to keep my meals simple. Since I spend less time cooking, I find getting outside and going hiking to be a great way to get some exercise and enjoy nature at the same time. I also love to swim when it’s hot outside. Since I adore people, I make a point to connect with other experiencers in person whenever possible, and the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in Arizona provides plenty of opportunities for this. Also, every week I meet online with an Exoconsciousness Group, where we enjoy lively, thought-provoking discussions about extraterrestrials. Whenever the opportunity arises, there's nothing better than taking a drive out to beautiful Sedona, Arizona. Sedona is known for its energy, which is good for the human chakra system. The town also boasts world class shopping and dining as well as amazing New Age shops and a vibrant arts community. If all that weren't enough, they are a well-known UFO hot spot! Images from Sedona, AZ. From left, Sedona's famous red rocks, McDonald's with blue arches - the only one in the world! At right, upscale shopping at Tlaquepaque. What about you? Do you have a favorite road trip destination? As always, thank you for visiting my blog! If you enjoyed this post, please hit the like button and leave a comment below. Wishing you love and light, Donna M. Atwood ABOUT THE AUTHOR Donna M. Atwood, founder of ALIEN EXPERIENCERS NETWORK is also an American writer of suspenseful paranormal and science fiction as well as spiritually based non-fiction. In her fictional works, she draws upon her B.A. in psychology to develop flawed and complex characters, while her background as a nanotechnology start-up owner serves as the foundation for her sci-fi's exciting, futuristic technologies. In addition, as a trained massage therapist and ET/UAP experiencer, when it comes to her non-fiction writings, Ms. Atwood is comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition. Ms. Atwood is known for reaching out to other experiencers as she maintains that there is nothing more important than supporting one another during this time of ascension. Donna M. Atwood graduated Summa Cum Laude from Argosy University with a B.A in Psychology and Magna Cum Laude from the prestigious Center for Natural Wellness with a Diploma in Massage Therapy. She is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the American Massage Therapy Association, the Exoconsciousness Group, the New York Writers Association and Rave Reviews Book Club. Additionally, she proudly supports Phoenix, Arizona's chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Currently, Ms. Atwood resides in Tucson, Arizona where she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, including her grand dog, Luna. She is also frequently sighted around Scottsdale, Arizona where she is known to scour the area for that perfect bottle of wine, unusual cheeses and other culinary delights. She also makes a point of visiting Sedona, Arizona where she partakes of its vibrant arts community, New Age shops, and world-class hiking. CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: Website Categories All A Day in My Life: Post 14 for Rave Reviews Book Club: Why I No Longer Worry About Anything1/15/2023 Written By Donna M. AtwoodHello everyone and welcome to Sunday Funday! For those of you who don’t know me, the truth is that I used to worry a lot. I ruminated, fretted and hurried through each day as if every single thought that tumbled through my brain, or anything I set out to accomplish, meant life or death. As you might imagine, I was miserable. Now that I’m older and wiser, I don’t bother with that stuff anymore. The truth is, after my spiritual awakening and dark night of the soul, I finally figured out that I was tired of spinning my wheels. Prior to my transformation, I often found that I felt exhausted and physically ill. Furthermore, for all the energy I was putting into my worrying, none of it was getting me anywhere. Fortunately, as a result of my spiritual awakening, I reevaluated who and what was important in my life, and the first thing to go were the difficult people. Once I made up my mind about this, they quickly fell by the wayside. What a blessing! Suddenly, I was left with the time, space and energy necessary to go out in the world and accomplish the things that meant (and mean) a lot to me. With the painful people gone, then came the next step in my personal development. I realized that if I’m not enjoying what I’m doing, it’s time to ditch whatever it is that’s making me unhappy or uncomfortable. That meant a few more changes became necessary. The biggest questions that I needed to answer were:
In order to gain some clarity, I needed to do some soul searching. Looking back on my college studies in psychology, I remember learning about something known as peak experiences, which are important in reaching self-actualization, (when a person reaches his/her full potential). Peak experiences are known to consist of pure joy. I myself experienced this during the early moments of my spiritual awakening, when I saw a large, spherical-shaped UAP on my family’s property. Peak experiences, like mine, are said to stand out from everyday events and are known for being ecstatic moments in a person’s life. In my case, the beautiful, luminescent UFO is something that I reflect on every day because it started the ball rolling in my spiritual awakening. As a result of this incident, my personal growth accelerated big-time. I will be forever grateful to that otherworldly craft for stopping by and checking in on me. Frankly, I’ve never felt more loved or understood. Peak experiences aren't only momentous, they are known by psychologists to generate positive emotions and a feeling of oneness with all that is. They also lead to an increased awareness of one’s strengths, as well as areas which need additional work. Additionally, peak experiences can mark the beginning of significant transformation - like what happened to me. Examples of peak experiences include being in love; being struck by a movie, book or piece of artwork; having some type of spiritual experience; being in nature; helping someone in need; or achieving an important goal. As you might expect, happiness and peak experiences are interrelated, as peak experiences make us feel happy. Of course, there are drivers of happiness. Typical drivers include things about us which we are willing to change, such as our environment. Genetics, which we cannot change, also play a key role. Things which are known in psychology to not necessarily make a person happy are having money and material things; being young; and having children. One thing I’ve become aware of as a result of my spiritual awakening and personal growth is what this transcendence has brought me. I now feel gratitude and hope. I also have an appreciation of life and beauty - in all its forms. I exhibit more humor, and I am deeply spiritual. Perhaps most importantly, I've come to an understanding that I've been called to help other UFO/ET/spiritual experiencers integrate their anomalous events into their lives. As for the icing on the cake, I no longer worry about anything. Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to go out to lunch with my boyfriend. After all, it is Sunday Funday! What about you? Have you had a peak experience which changed your life for the better? If so, I’d love to hear about it! ABOUT THE AUTHOR Donna M. Atwood, founder of ALIEN EXPERIENCERS NETWORK is also an American writer of suspenseful paranormal and science fiction as well as spiritually based non-fiction. In her fictional works, she draws upon her B.A. in psychology to develop flawed and complex characters, while her background as a nanotechnology start-up owner serves as the foundation for her sci-fi's exciting, futuristic technologies. In addition, as a trained massage therapist and ET/UAP experiencer, when it comes to her non-fiction writings, Ms. Atwood is comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition. Ms. Atwood is known for reaching out to other experiencers as she maintains that there is nothing more important than supporting one another during this time of ascension. Donna M. Atwood is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the American Massage Therapy Association, the Exoconsciousness Group, the New York Writers Association and Rave Reviews Book Club. Additionally, she proudly supports Phoenix, Arizona's chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Currently, Ms. Atwood resides in Tucson, Arizona where she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, including her grand dog, Luna. She is also frequently sighted around Sedona, Arizona where she partakes of its vibrant arts community, New Age shops, and world-class hiking. CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: Website Categories All A Day in My Life: Post 13 for Rave Reviews Book Club: My View of What True Liberation Looks Like1/14/2023 Written By Donna M. AtwoodAssuming we reincarnate, (and that is an assumption many people have difficulty buying into) why is it that after dying, each person may potentially return to earth as a newborn infant, only to do this whole human-experience-thing all over again? The thinking is that each of us has several lifetimes in which to mature at the soul level. The goal in all of this is to learn important lessons which will allow us to grow in our understanding of ourselves and the true nature of reality. None of this is easy. Hence the reason it often takes several lifetimes to accomplish. This recycling of souls is said to take place within a framework - a hierarchal system where each person is able to advance once they have paid off their karmic debt. Honestly, when I was younger, I had a hard time believing any of this. Now that I have more than a few gray hairs, all of this is making a lot more sense. Funny how that happens. Eventually, once a person has dealt with their karma, they will at long last be liberated from this earthly type of experience. Now, as an energetic being, which is free from physical form, each human’s soul will once again be able to return to universal consciousness, (some people call this God, Source, Paradise, Nirvana or Heaven). Frankly, as much as I love to learn and grow in wisdom, this sounds amazing to me! As far human souls are concerned, we can think of them as being categorized by age. Some souls are younger, others are older. In truth, most of us occupy more than one category, while at the same time, we typically lean toward one age most strongly. The youngest soul can be thought of as a newborn soul. The person at this soul level tends not to understand life’s complexities and, as a result, they often come off as being childish. This isn’t necessarily bad, it’s just someone at this level tends to focus on survival. Often, this is seen in someone whose chronological age is quite young. Child souls are the next category. These souls are found in people who desperately need to make order out of chaos. They tend to be rigid in their thinking. Additionally, they almost always follow rules, and they are usually clean and organized. Teenage souls tend to be materialistic. They seek social status and adulation and usually to want to do things their own way. This because they crave independence. Due to these attributes, they often work long hours and have a tendency towards creating change in the world. Most everyone has heard the term old soul. An old soul is found in those who have developed a definite awareness of the spiritual side of life. Through life’s ups and downs, and most especially through a spiritual awakening event, these souls tend to learn the hard lesson of letting go. Letting go is an idea that no one and nothing should own you to the point that that you become stuck, depressed, exhausted and perhaps, even suicidal. Old souls are people who have learned the difficult lesson that relationships tend to come and go in this earthly existence. As a result, they are wise, autonomous and tend to focus on self-actualization. The last soul cycle is known as the elder soul. An elder soul is someone who has gone through a spiritual awakening. They understand the divinity that exists within each of us and have become one with this. Such people are considered to be spiritual masters or enlightened. What about you? Have you ever gone through a spiritual awakening event? Are you able to identify with a particular soul level? As always, thank you for stopping by my blog. Wishing you love and light, Donna M. Atwood ABOUT THE AUTHOR Donna M. Atwood, founder of ALIEN EXPERIENCERS NETWORK is also an American writer of suspenseful paranormal and science fiction as well as spiritually based non-fiction. In her fictional works, she draws upon her B.A. in psychology to develop flawed and complex characters, while her background as a nanotechnology start-up owner serves as the foundation for her sci-fi's exciting, futuristic technologies. In addition, as a trained massage therapist and ET/UAP experiencer, when it comes to her non-fiction writings, Ms. Atwood is comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition. Ms. Atwood is known for reaching out to other experiencers as she maintains that there is nothing more important than supporting one another during this time of ascension.
Donna M. Atwood is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the American Massage Therapy Association, the Exoconsciousness Group, the New York Writers Association and Rave Reviews Book Club. Additionally, she proudly supports Phoenix, Arizona's chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Currently, Ms. Atwood resides in Tucson, Arizona where she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, including her grand dog, Luna. She is also frequently sighted around Sedona, Arizona where she partakes of its vibrant arts community, New Age shops, and world-class hiking. CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: Website Written by Donna M. AtwoodAssuming that we are on the right track with quantum mechanics, imagine, if you will, that…
What about you? Do you view nuclear weapons as a threat to our existence? Do you think extraterrestrials might be concerned about the fact that we have access to nuclear weapons, especially now that we are becoming a space-faring race? As always thank you for stopping by my blog. : ) Wishing you love and light, Donna M Atwood ABOUT THE AUTHOR Donna M. Atwood, founder of ALIEN EXPERIENCERS NETWORK is also an American writer of suspenseful paranormal and science fiction as well as spiritually based non-fiction. In her fictional works, she draws upon her B.A. in psychology to develop flawed and complex characters, while her background as a nanotechnology start-up owner serves as the foundation for her sci-fi's exciting, futuristic technologies. In addition, as a trained massage therapist and ET/UAP experiencer, when it comes to her non-fiction writings, Ms. Atwood is comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition. Ms. Atwood is known for reaching out to other experiencers as she maintains that there is nothing more important than supporting one another during this time of ascension. Donna M. Atwood is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the American Massage Therapy Association, the Exoconsciousness Group, the New York Writers Association and Rave Reviews Book Club. Additionally, she proudly supports Phoenix, Arizona's chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Currently, Ms. Atwood resides in Tucson, Arizona where she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, including her grand dog, Luna. She is also frequently sighted around Sedona, Arizona where she partakes of its vibrant arts community, New Age shops, and world-class hiking. CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: Website Categories All A Day in My Life: Post 11 for Rave Reviews Book Club: Mainstream Media in the U.S. - Where Are You?1/12/2023 Written by Donna M. AtwoodIt was only a few decades ago that anyone who stated that they believed in the existence of extraterrestrials, was mocked – in some cases, rather harshly. However, as our understanding of space, our solar system and exoplanets (planets outside our solar system) continues to increase, average Americans are coming to the realization that intelligent life must surely exist beyond our own planet. In fact, according to a recent Pew Research poll, approximately 65% of Americans now say that they believe in the existence of ETs and UFOs. For anyone who regularly reads my blog, you know that, based on my own research and personal experiences, it is my assertion that UFOs, UAPs and extraterrestrials are in fact, very real. Even though the public’s attitude is changing, it disheartens me that we still lack regular, open and sincere discussion about this topic in the mainstream media. I believe that this is not in the public’s best interest. Let's be honest, two to five minutes of coverage every several months, at best, is quickly wiped from people’s minds during our age of 24/7 news coverage. As we all know, news cycles in today’s world are short. Sound bites, even shorter. Pictured above are lights, from an unknown source, over Phoenix, Arizona in 1997. This incident is now commonly referred to as the Phoenix Lights incident. Here’s my concern. Odds are, sooner or later, many people will witness and capture an unknown craft on camera. This might be a drone from a faraway planet here on reconnaissance. That’s easy enough for the government and a variety of experts to explain away. In fact, with the exception of sphere-shaped UFOs hanging around military aircraft, such images are routinely explained away. However, what happens when a group of people witness what appears to be an interplanetary craft with occupants inside? That’s another matter, entirely. Even the Phoenix Lights incident from 1997, where no extraterrestrial astronauts were seen, still lives on in memory because it was a highly anomalous event. This sighting lasted for hours and involved several locations. Many citizens in the southwestern United States captured these lights on video. Even today, people still talk about this incident. Here's my point. Once a crowd of people witnesses, photographs and videotapes a craft with occupants inside -and it’s picked up by enough news outlets - this topic will move from being merely interesting, to one with serious global implications. This is why, in my estimation, it’s important to get ahead out in front of this topic. After all, doing so could potentially dampen any panic which might ensue. Unfortunately, in 1997 there was a lot of denial and ridicule surrounding the Phoenix Lights incident. I suspect something like this would be harder to sweep under the rug in today's world. I would like to add that that the overarching topic of UFOs, UAPs and extraterrestrials is especially relevant for people who claim to have had direct contact with extraterrestrials and their craft. Such an event is often a life-altering experience, one which profoundly changes an individual's circumstances as well as their personal development and spiritual growth. This happened to me, and I have openly written about it here in my blog. I also think it's important to mention that, as an experiencer, supporting and educating other experiencers is the entire reason why I founded Alien Experiencers Network (AEN). For me, my work is nothing short of being a labor of love. As part of my work at AEN, I have personally had several people quietly approach me about their own encounters. Even today, in the twenty-first century, contactees are still afraid to come forward and speak directly to the public (or their own families!) about these experiences. They’re genuinely concerned that, if they come forward, an employer will find a reason to fire them. They’re even more afraid about being disowned by their families and friends. Speaking from experience, this is an exceedingly difficult position to be in, especially if an experiencer has been light activated. More about this in an upcoming post. What about you? Have you ever seen strange lights in the sky? Was anyone with you? If not, did you keep quiet? How did this make you feel? If you enjoyed this post, or perhaps you learned something which expanded your perspective, please hit the like button and leave a comment below. As always, thank you for taking the time to visit my blog! Wishing you love and light, Donna M. Atwood ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Donna M. Atwood, founder of ALIEN EXPERIENCERS NETWORK is also an American writer of suspenseful paranormal and science fiction as well as spiritually based non-fiction. In her fictional works, she draws upon her B.A. in psychology to develop flawed and complex characters, while her background as a nanotechnology start-up owner serves as the foundation for her sci-fi's exciting, futuristic technologies. In addition, as a trained massage therapist and ET/UAP experiencer, when it comes to her non-fiction writings, Ms. Atwood is comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition. Ms. Atwood is known for reaching out to other experiencers as she maintains that there is nothing more important than supporting one another during this time of ascension.
Donna M. Atwood is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the American Massage Therapy Association, the Exoconsciousness Group, the New York Writers Association and Rave Reviews Book Club. Additionally, she proudly supports Phoenix, Arizona's chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Currently, Ms. Atwood resides in Tucson, Arizona where she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, including her grand dog, Luna. She is also frequently sighted around Sedona, Arizona where she partakes of its vibrant arts community, New Age shops, and world-class hiking. CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: Website |
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