A Day in My Life: Post 3 for Rave Reviews Book Club: Laying the Groundwork for Cosmic Consciousness1/4/2023 I must admit that I’m more than a little bleary-eyed right now. Then again, I have only myself to blame for my inexplicable dalliances on late night social media. With morning arriving way too early, I dragged myself out of bed today and made my way into the kitchen. With the press of a button, the familiar aroma of my favorite espresso’s earthy and floral notes once again wafted through the air. Moments later, as if by magic, I was reminded how sip after sip had the ability to put another bounce back in my step. To be frank, sometimes there’s nothing better than a cup of liquid gold to get this writer motivated for yet another busy day ahead. After a cold shower, dressing and applying just enough make-up to look human, I sat down for my daily half hour of meditation. This was followed by another fifteen minutes of stretching. If I don’t have an appointment, this is usually the time I head into my office. These days, the emails seem to bombard me from every direction. As usual, I focused on the highest priority ones before delving into my You Tube channel. For better or worse, my workday today is shorter than usual due to some errands that I must run. I’m also having dinner tonight with a gal pal who lives here in my neighborhood. When I consider my jam-packed work schedule, I’m amazed at how busy my social calendar has grown, especially over the last two months. Then again, I’ve made it a point to network with people all around Arizona. As a result, I now have friends in the greater Phoenix area (including through MUFON and the Exoconsciousness Group), Sedona and of course Tucson. I consider each of these friends to be a blessing. It’s also a blessing to be here with you today. As such, I would like to share a true and wonderous story with you about an intervention which came to me from above. I’m not exaggerating when I tell you that as strange as it sounds, an intelligent and conscious entity in the form of a large, luminous orb may very well have saved my life. My saga began several years ago on a cold April night in upstate New York. It was nearly midnight when I decided I’d had enough tossing and turning on the L-shaped sectional located in my family room. Bored, I shuffled to the oversized window overlooking the back yard. Gazing up at the starlit sky, my attention eventually lowered to the snow packed ground and then back over to my dachshund, Hugo, who was sleeping peacefully on the sofa. As it turned out, the two of us were bunking together due to his raging case of colitis. Poor thing. No matter what we did, no matter who his dog sitter was, (and they were all phenomenal), his tummy eventually grew irritable whenever my family went away on holiday. As fate would have it, my family and I had just returned from Florida earlier that evening, hence the reason Hugo and I were holed up together. To be honest, I didn’t mind. I really loved that little dog, even though he tended to bark way too much. The clock on the wall above the fireplace now read midnight. How ironic. Hugo was comfortably asleep while I stood here in my nightgown wide awake. A chill ran through me. In only six hours, my husband would be in the kitchen making breakfast. To make matters worse, I was a nine-hour-of-sleep-per-night gal. With a diagnosed case of severe allergies (upper five percent, globally) and a propensity for respiratory viruses, I’d learned the hard way that sleep deprivation was not my friend. A small smile settled on my face as I watched Hugo’s chest rise and fall, the rhythmic movement of his breathing reminding me of the waves we’d just seen on the beach in Florida. All at once, something out of the window next to Hugo caught my attention. It was a large ball of white light! In disbelief, I rubbed my eyes. I looked again. Was this really happening? Was a UFO really on my property, and if so, why was it visiting me? A wave of fear and curiosity enveloped me. Frantically, my eyes darted over to Hugo, who thankfully, was still as snug as a bug on the sofa. At this point, I needed to be certain that I was in fact, awake. A deep, self-inflicted pinch to my arm confirmed that I wasn’t dreaming. This now begged the question, Had I suddenly gone mad? Under the circumstances, it was a reasonable query. After all, I held a degree in psychology. With all the research papers I’d written, this meant that I knew an awful lot about schizophrenia and major depression with psychotic features. On the other hand, because I had endured a couple of bizarre encounters with the greys as a young child, I also believed in the existence of extraterrestrial lifeforms. These incidents took place when I was four years old, well before I knew anything about aliens. (More on this topic in another post.) By now, my racing thoughts did little to comfort me. With concern about my mental health mixing with worry for my physical safety, I crouched down to the carpet and slid behind the blue draperies. The way I saw it, I really had no other options available to me. My rational side knew that placing a piece of fabric in front of my body wouldn’t save me from an advanced otherworldly species, still, I thought it might keep the orb from noticing me. Slowly, I stood up and peered out across the room. Turns out the orb remained gracefully situated above our side yard, close to the exterior of the house. Much to my chagrin, I also had the distinct impression that it was aware of my presence inside. I took a deep breath. Slowly, I exhaled. I thought it bizarre that instead of this craft being a UFO landing on the ground, what I was looking at was a plasma-filled sphere of light hovering off the ground. Additionally, this object was positioned only thirty or so feet away from me. That meant this was a close encounter by anyone’s standards. Questions tumbled through my brain. Was I in trouble with God? Was this the devil himself? Was I looking at an omen of things to come? Were the grey aliens from my childhood coming back to abduct me? My heart raced. My breathing grew shallow as my eyes continued to train on the orb. The fact that I didn’t hear a single sound from outside only gave credence to the advanced nature of this technology. Moreover, I’m not sure how it knew that I was watching it, but I was certain that this was the case. Then, without warning, the orb jiggled in an exaggerated manner. This suggested that it was happy – dare I say, excited - to see me! In amazement, I stared at the joyful movements taking place outside my window. “Should I take a picture? What about a video?” In the end, I decided not to leave the family room for fear that when I returned, the sphere would be gone. Besides, my cell phone was charging all the way upstairs in the master bedroom. I figured this was likely a once in a lifetime occurrence, so I decided to stay put. The next thing I’m about to share may seem more than a little mundane, but the truth is that for fifty long (yet short) minutes, the orb and I stared at each other. I couldn’t pull myself away from watching it. Not only was it beautiful - in an otherworldly sort of way, but there was also something oddly familiar about it. Maybe part of this was due to the way it made me feel. I know how crazy this may seem to people outside the UFO community, but this ball of light appeared to be a conscious entity. If that weren’t enough, its unique mannerisms seemed to suggest that we might be old friends. Perhaps this was someone or something that I had encountered from a distant time or place. Hard as I tried, I couldn’t quite reconcile whether it originated from one of my previous lifetimes or possibly from some other time in my current life. Thoughts swirled as I watched the familiar stranger outside. All at once, intuition ruled the night. I now understood that this orb was a timeless, living technology likely designed to reactivate information which had been squired away deep inside my subconscious. With any luck, history long since forgotten would one day stir back to life. If that weren’t amazing enough, there was something even more impressive about this floating ball. It had the capacity to exude emotional warmth. Inexplicably, it seemed to understand my day-to-day struggles to the point that I could almost sense its compassion for me. I can even state that in its presence, I felt love, friendship and respect. Once all of this became clear to me, a thought having to do with mystery school teachings flickered through my brain. At that exact moment, I was certain that I was safe in its presence. It even occurred to me that perhaps angels and UFOs were, at least in some cases, one in the same. Even so, out of an abundance of caution, there was no way I was going to step one foot outside. I’d heard too many instances of people unintentionally being burned by simply touching, or being in the vicinity of, an unidentified craft. Since the orb had made no moves to enter the house and nothing else appeared to be happening, I eventually decided to let go of the drapery which had been functioning as a makeshift shield. Through mental telepathy, or at least my attempts at this, I told the orb that I was a friendly earth human and thanked it for its visit. I then made my way across the family room where I curled up on the sectional, close to Hugo. It was at this point that any lingering concerns I had about the sphere’s intentions for abducting me, faded away. In its place, a calm serenity washed over me. Viscerally, I knew that this visitor would not bring harm to myself or any of my family members. Furthermore, with any luck, it might even be here on mission to affect some good on all of humanity. I awoke the next morning to the sound of my husband in the kitchen. Somehow, instead of reeling from anxiety, I was unusually calm. In fact, I felt completely at ease – something I hadn’t experienced for a long time. Even so, I decided to say nothing to any of my family members about the orb. In fact, not a word of this strange encounter came out of my mouth for a full five days. Then again, by that time, my transformation was already well underway. More on this aspect of my encounter in my next post. Wishing you love and light, Donna M. Atwood ABOUT THE AUTHOR Donna M. Atwood, founder of ALIEN EXPERIENCERS NETWORK is also an American writer of suspenseful paranormal and science fiction as well as spiritually based non-fiction. In her fictional works, she draws upon her B.A. in psychology to develop flawed and complex characters, while her background as a nanotechnology start-up owner serves as the foundation for her sci-fi's exciting, futuristic technologies. In addition, as a trained massage therapist and ET/UAP experiencer, when it comes to her non-fiction writings, Ms. Atwood is comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition. Donna M. Atwood is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the American Massage Therapy Association, the New York Writers Association and Rave Reviews Book Club. Additionally, she proudly supports the Phoenix, Arizona chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Currently, Ms. Atwood resides in Tucson, Arizona where, when not working, she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, including her grand dog, Luna. She is also frequently sighted around Sedona, Arizona where she partakes of its vibrant arts community, New Age shops, and world-class hiking. When it comes to her work, more than anything else, Ms. Atwood loves connecting with other experiencers, as she believes there is nothing more important than supporting one another during this time of ascension. CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: Website Categories All
1/4/2023 11:27:58 pm
You write well and had me engrossed in your story like I was watching TV. If I woke up and saw a strange light outside, I would believe I was hallucinating. I heard Ambien can do that to you. I don't believe in UFOs, but I understand you saw something, and it gave you comfort. So, it couldn't have been bad.
1/5/2023 07:59:52 am
Hi Suzanne, thank you for your comments. This has been quite the journey for me! I intentionally stay away from medications like Ambien. I have also never taken "plant medicine". I don't want anything like these medications/chemicals muddying the waters of this continuing saga. Fortunately, I'm actually doing better than before all of this happened. Thanks again dor stopping by and best wishes.
1/5/2023 08:33:17 am
1/5/2023 11:06:22 am
Hi Pat! No worries, I totally understand how strange all of this seems to non-experiencers. Believe me, it was utterly bizarre when all of this picked up steam several years ago. Fortunately, experiencers throughout the world are beginning to find each other and form groups. Many of us are reaching out to educate those who wish to learn more. My goal is to reach new experiencers who may be fearful that they are going crazy. FYI, there's a lot to this topic. Anything you read from me is a small sliver of the overall ET/UFO subject. Thank you for stopping by! Best wishes.
1/5/2023 11:03:47 am
Wow, Donna! I love your story and can't wait to learn about the transformation you experienced after interacting with the orb. I've seen UFOs (or UAPs) on a few occasions, but not in the form of orbs. A dear friend has had numerous encounters with the grays, as had her mother. I've always believed God is too big, too creative, to have limited His love and creativity to a single speck in His vast universe (or universes). I'm eager for your next post. Blessings!
1/5/2023 05:00:13 pm
Hi Patty! Well, all I can say is thank you so very much for being open-minded; I can't tell you how much this means to me! I'd sure LOVE to be able to talk to your friend (and her mother) sometime, even if it's privately. I had an encounter with a friend as a middle schooler down in Florida but she will not come forward and discuss this publicly. Of course I understand her position. By the way, I totally agree with your comments about God and the universe/multiverse. To create a single speck would be such a waste of space! Many blessings to you, Donna
1/5/2023 11:44:12 am
My goodness, Donna, quite a blog. I'm kind of with Pat, holding off comments till I see more posts. I'm not gonna lie, though, this seems a bit "out there" to me. Reminds me of some of the UFO shows my husband watches on TV. I would probably ascribe this to a hallucination, while very religious people might ascribe it to a heavenly vision. Who am I to say? I wish you good luck in the future!
1/5/2023 05:08:16 pm
Hi Maura! No worries, I totally understand! It's an out-there topic and I did write in in a story-telling fashion. The truth is that I really thought I was crazy at first. Then I thought I had an encounter with a demon. Then I thought I had a hallucination from a prescription medication. Lots and lots of experiencers go through a period of trying to reconcile what happened. The thing is, like other experiencers that I've met, these encounters have continued on and off. Thankfully, by psychological standards, I'm high functioning and show no signs of mental illness. In fact, oddly enough, my life has improved since all of this happened! Anyway, I thank you for visiting my blog and I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. : ) Best wishes, Donna
1/5/2023 11:51:38 am
What an incredible experience, Donna! You had me enthralled the whole time. I'm curious to learn more about your experiences. Thanks for sharing!
1/5/2023 05:12:55 pm
Hi Yvette, You are so kind, thank you very much for being so open-minded! I know it's a strange subject but I am speaking the truth as best as I understand it. All of this has been a long journey for me, but in a way, I feel incredibly blessed. At this point, I want to be available to other new experiencers so I can hopefully help them feel less alone in all of this. Many blessings to you! -Donna : )
1/5/2023 03:20:41 pm
Hi Donna--Where were you in upstate New York? I live in Schenectady. Whitley Streiber, who wrote "Alien," mentioned in that bookhe was listening to my radio show on Saturday night. I can't remember the exact page. He had a house in the Hudson Valley at the time. I love your story. Keep up the great work!
1/5/2023 05:16:03 pm
Hi Wanda! Thanks for stopping by! I was in Guilderland, NY...upstate NY is so beautiful! I am aware of Whitley Strieber's story, but I didn't know anything about your radio show. I'd love to hear more about this whenever you have time! Many blessings to you, Donna
1/5/2023 07:55:42 pm
Donna--This is wild. I live in Guilderland, NY (although the Post Office says we live in Schenectady). I've done a folk music show on WAMC since 1982. Strieber had a writing cabin in the Hudson Valley. He has contacted me a couple of times since then, asking me questions about music I have played over the years. My show is on live, Saturday nights from 8-10 pm ET. Archived shows are available via www.MixCloud.com. Thanks for asking!
Pamela Canepa
1/5/2023 06:12:27 pm
DM, What an amazing encounter! You had me such suspense. I am also an RRBC member and so glad to learn more about you! -Pamela Canepa. http://pamelascanepa.wordpress.com
1/5/2023 06:40:09 pm
Hi Pamela, thank you for your comments! That encounter turned out to be a pivotable point in my life. In my wildest dreams I had no idea how much of an impact it would have on me! Best wishes, Donna
1/7/2023 04:55:29 am
I really enjoyed your story Donna.Are you absolutely sure you were not dreaming the close encounter? Your writing is superb. Thank you !
1/7/2023 10:56:48 am
Hi Joy! Believe me, at the time I was pretty sure that all of this wasn't a dream, but was it a hallucination? I can't tell you how terrified I was that I might be losing my mind. At some point I thought God was punishing me...for what, being alive? For having made mistakes in my life like everyone else, even though I had repented? For being a really good mom? For being in an unhappy marriage and unsure how to solve the problem? For quite awhile I thought the latter might be the case. Turns out, MANY other people around the world are having these types of orb encounters. I just happened to be one of the "early adopters". The government had sense drawn attention to this topic and had published pilot encounters with these orbs. Stay tuned, more to come! Thanks for stopping by : ) -Donna
1/7/2023 12:46:17 pm
Thanks for taking the time to explain the situation to me ,Donna.Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Joy
Nonnie Jules
1/8/2023 08:01:34 pm
Hi, DA! I remember you telling me about this experience years ago when you were in NY. It was so interesting to me then, and it's still an intriguing story. When will we see it all in a book?
1/10/2023 12:31:50 pm
Hi Nonnie! My, my, my...could this be a case of serendipity? I literally just had the same thought occur to me yesterday - no kidding! How exciting! This year sure is starting off with a bang! I couldn't be more delighted or grateful. xoxo : )
1/13/2023 05:36:29 pm
XOXO 1/9/2023 03:40:34 pm
Donna, your writing made it seem like I was reading through a chapter of one of your books. I'm looking forward to reading more about this encounter.
1/10/2023 12:33:55 pm
Hi John, thank you for stopping by! Looks like I need to put all of this into a book lol! What an exciting start to the New Year!!!
Shirley Harris-Slaughter
1/27/2023 06:08:12 pm
I am in no position to criticize anyone who believes in UFOs. I thought I actually saw one years ago. I did have a spiritual encounter once that left me weeping with joy. I believe there is a higher power. How else do you explain the miracle of the universe, and life itself. Miracles are happening everywhere, everyday. So Donna I have an open mind to what you have experienced.
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