Written By Donna M Atwood Hello everyone! Today, I’ve included some thoughts regarding Earth's Artificial Intelligence technology. This channeled information came from the 11th (moving into 12th) dimensional Arcturians and was recently featured on Gaia as part of an interview. Please note that I transcribed a portion of this interview, as I needed to clarify this information for a communication with Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, of the Exoconsciousness Group. Since regular readers of my blog are aware of my background in advanced technology research and development, as well as my exceedingly difficult spiritual awakening process, (where I underwent experiences of a demonic nature), I felt it appropriate to share this transcription with you. This information may be especially relevant for anyone who is interested in:
The 11th and 12th dimensional Arcturians as they might manifest themselves to Humans. One other thing. I recognize that many readers may be uncomfortable with the idea of channeling. Please know that it is my intention to dedicate a post to this topic, but for now, I would ask you to consider that channeling is nothing more than tuning into a particular frequency. In fact, everyone has this capability, under the right conditions! I myself can channel, but not to the degree of the young lady, Anayana, who brought forth this information. (At least, not yet and not without a tremendous amount of discernment) The interview, featured on Gaia, was conducted by Reuben Langdon. What follows are answers to questions posed by Langdon. The answers came from the Arcturians, through Anayana. I have also included “personal thoughts” for clarification of ideas and for background information which may help explain some of my anomalous experiences related to ascension. About Artificial Intelligence "…artificial intelligence, in some sense, is inaccurate. What does artificial mean?” “Everything has some degree of consciousness to it.” “Earth’s discomfort with Artificial Intelligence needs to be addressed at this time. This is an opportunity for the technology creators to trust themselves - to align within themselves, their intentions for the creation of this technology. The Arcturians have created the same such technology. It has been aligned with the highest good of all beings. The Arcturians hope to serve as an example in this way.” “Much of Earth's technology has been beneficial. This is not the case with nuclear weapons, which are not aligned with the energy of the heart.” “The creation of technology is divinely inspired. Technology allows people to spend their time in new ways - new experiences for human engagement.” (Personal note: I’ve always suspected that our nanotechnology-enabled environmental sensing systems, GEMS (Global Environmental Micro Sensors) and GlobalSense were divinely inspired!) Sketch of the Alpha Draconians extraterrestrial species. Tying in Artificial Intelligence to Lemuria’s and Atlantis’ Destruction “Earth's fear of technology is based on Humanity’s past experience of Atlantis. The AI that existed at that time, led to the destruction of Atlantean society. Some people might remember, on some level, being alive on Earth when this happened. This is why they are uncomfortable now.” “Humans have gone through the creation-destruction cycle at least 5 times.” (This point was spoken by Langdon and the Arcturians did not disagree with him.) “Regarding Atlantis and Lemuria, beings came into the planet around these times. There was discord. Lemuria's shift (into 5D) was more graceful compared to Atlantis' shift. Some beings came to the planet. Their intentions were not in alignment with those residing in Lemuria at that time.” Old Earth (humanoid civilization) = Lemuria. “Lemuria was a physical society. Multidimensional. The physicality from that time is different from what is experienced on Earth today.” (Personal note: Multidimensional refers to the fact that at least some Humans were able to channel with beings from other worlds and realms, just like today. The importance of intention in such communications is of paramount importance.) “Many of these beings decided to take part in the creation of Atlantis. There was a great migration to Atlantis, which is today's Brazil. There was a depositing of many crystals which held/hold a lot of information and which many present-day Earth humans may find yourselves coming into contact with, again. The migration to Atlantis included many who were in alignment with a similar intention. This took place quite rapidly. This marked the transition from Lemuria to Atlantis.” “Lemuria was a more tribal type of society. The Arcturians emphasize coming into groups and group consciousness. Groups and group consciousness was less present in Atlantis.” (Personal note: I always worry about Groupthink, which may end up not being correct, true or beneficial in a particular group setting. Eventually this could impact society at large. I believe this is where intentionality – again, comes into play. If a group has the highest good as their intention, one would hope that something positive would transpire as a result.) The Alpha Draconian (Reptilian) Extraterrestrials “The Alpha Draconians did have some influence in this. It's important not to oversimplify or view this in black and white terms. How is one relating to these beings?” “Some of these beings still have confusion over their intentions, from a higher perspective.” “Where there is a shift, you may see the Draconians residing. This is a natural part of this shift, as all the energies are coming to Earth at this time.” (Personal note: I suspect this may explain why my awakening included a demon-like experience.) “It's important for Earth's Humans to address their inner energies from a place of love, a place of compassion, a place of acceptance. We should relate to these beings this way as well. Those with a strong sense of mission - of wanting to change the world - please consider looking inward, first.” (Personal note: shift = change on an individual level = ascension to 5D.) “It's important for Earth's Humans to be in a place of love and acceptance. The Alpha Draconians are being shifted from the energy of love and the energy of acceptance. This is the greatest service that we can provide to them, and to the parts of ourselves that they are reflecting.” (Personal note: the Draconians, a.k.a. the Reptilians, are known to hate, or perhaps even fear, Humankind. This is too large of a topic to discuss in this post.) (Personal note: Again, I suspect that the Draconians may be related to my unusually difficult awakening experience. Most people do not go through nearly as much discomfort as I did. I suspect that this was done so I could solve some difficult family problems and look inward via shadow work and face some personality attributes which needed correcting. I’m not certain, but my strong sense is that I went through as much hardship as I did, so I could ultimately teach others about ascension. Lucky me! Lol!) The lost city of Atlantis. “Attend to any fears that come through those Draconian disturbances, as this is the greatest form of awakening - to release any disturbances that are present, as well as to extend love and a sense of inclusion, recognizing that there is Oneness, as well as clarifying the energies and intentions one would like to align with to facilitate the experience they would like to have. When Humans align with Draconian energies, there can be confusion and distraction from what one would like to experience." END OF INTERVIEW (Personal note: THIS is why I needed to make several changes in my life. I needed to toughen up and deal with my marriage, which in many ways, had been over for a while. (I still contend that we’re both good people.) Afterwards, I needed to move to Arizona to assist my elderly mom in a myriad of ways. I have learned so much as a result, and my mom has truly benefitted from my loving heart, my good work ethic and the fact that I am an honest person. This is particularly important because, unfortunately, my mom went through some difficulties related to extended family members stealing from her. I was unaware of this when I lived in New York, and it broke my heart to learn about everything that she had been dealing with. Of course, as they say, all’s well that ends well.) A Few More Thoughts There is still much to dissect here, and it is my intention to break down various aspects of this channeled interview in future posts. For now, allow me share that living in fear is not the answer. Having said that, it is my position that the entire world should be included in the creation of Artificial Intelligence. People need to understand how it can positively contribute to our society, and what its drawbacks may be. It is also my position that these technologies should be watched and regulated, to help ensure that they are being created with the greater good in mind. I recognize that this could slow down the creation and implementation of AI, but in looking at this issue from a big picture viewpoint, such regulation might be a small price to pay for ensuring the safety of our civilization, as well as the surface of the Earth itself. What about you? What are your thoughts about the Alpha Draconians and artificial intelligence? Do you think that these ETs might really have been involved in the destruction of Atlantis? Might they represent a threat to Humankind today? Is this the reason why various governments around the world have been slow to release information about a possible extraterrestrial presence here on Earth? As always, thank you very much for taking the time to read my blog. If you found today’s content to be interesting and informative, please hit the like button and leave a comment below. Wishing you love and light, Donna M. Atwood ABOUT THE AUTHOR Donna M. Atwood, founder of ALIEN EXPERIENCERS NETWORK is also an American writer of suspenseful paranormal and science fiction as well as spiritually based non-fiction. In her fictional works, she draws upon her B.A. in psychology to develop flawed and complex characters, while her background as a nanotechnology start-up owner serves as the foundation for her sci-fi's exciting, futuristic technologies. In addition, as a trained massage therapist and ET/UAP experiencer, when it comes to her non-fiction writings, Ms. Atwood is comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition. Ms. Atwood is known for reaching out to other experiencers as she maintains that there is nothing more important than supporting one another during this time of ascension. Donna M. Atwood graduated Summa Cum Laude from Argosy University with a B.A in Psychology and Magna Cum Laude from the prestigious Center for Natural Wellness with a Diploma in Massage Therapy. She is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the American Massage Therapy Association, the Exoconsciousness Group, the New York Writers Association and Rave Reviews Book Club. Additionally, she proudly supports Phoenix, Arizona's chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Currently, Ms. Atwood resides in Tucson, Arizona where she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, including her grand dog, Luna. She is also frequently sighted around Scottsdale, Arizona where she is known to scour the area for that perfect bottle of wine, unusual cheeses and other culinary delights. She also makes a point of visiting Sedona, Arizona where she partakes of its vibrant arts community, New Age shops, and world-class hiking. CONNECT WITH THE AUTHOR: Website Categories All
1/20/2023 09:36:28 am
Donna, I'm never sure how to comment on your posts, because they are so far outside my "wheelhouse." Some of your ideas sound like Theosopy, or New Age beliefs. I can buy into theories of universal consciousness, but don't believe aliens walk among us. Perhaps they did at one time and certainly great civilizations could lie at the bottom of our seas. But who am I to say what is or isn't possible? Your posts are always interesting!
1/21/2023 10:29:49 am
Hi Maura Beth! It's ok, I recognize these kinds of topics aren't for everyone lol. This material is more for the ufology/spirituality/sci-fi crowd, but I thank you for stopping by. You are most kind and gracious. : )
1/20/2023 11:23:55 am
Hi, Donna! How interesting! In my fiction series, humans interact with three types of extraterrestrials, including Reptilians. The real life sightings that have been described include the Grays, Reptilians, Mantises, and the Nordic ETs. The depiction you've included of Arcturians is beautiful.
1/21/2023 10:39:12 am
Hi Patty! You and I seem to very much be on the same wavelength! I need to check out the AI art. As for the sightings you've mentioned, I'm truly intrigued! Sometimes people see these beings, sometimes they channel them and sometimes they see and experience telepathic communication. As far as the destruction of Earth, I totally agree with your thoughts, "They" up in the sky do not like our nuclear weapons at all...and I agree with them! : )
1/20/2023 01:37:07 pm
Donna, reading your post today made me feel like I was sitting at a conference of a Star Trek convention. I do believe in ETs, but wasn't aware that so many variations existed. So what you are saying is that they all coexist with us but in different dimensions from which humans can be influenced? I always thought that Atlantis was near Bermuda and never expected that it was where Brazil is today. Like Maura Beth states, this is way above my wavelength.
1/21/2023 10:44:21 am
Hi John!! I had to smile when reading your response. I do not think any of this stuff is above your wavelength. Honestly, you seem to fully "get it"! But I totally understand if it does not interest you, these kinds of topics are really for the UFO/spirituality/Sci-fi crowd. Nevertheless, I thank you very much for stopping by and commenting. You seem like a kind and intelligent gentleman. : )
1/20/2023 06:29:22 pm
I was going to mention that Patty's books have the Reptilians in them, but she beat me to the punch! I have to tell you when I saw that picture, I immediately thought of the show from my childhood, V: The Final Battle. It makes me now wonder if some enlightened person created that show. Very intriguing, Donna!
1/21/2023 10:46:15 am
Hi Yvette! Honestly, I am not familiar with that show...I need to check it out! I also need to check out Patty's books. Thank you for your comments. : )
1/21/2023 10:20:16 pm
I've always love science fiction. I grew up on Star Trek and Isaac Asimov, and I think of extraterrestrials as fiction. But if aliens exist, I'd rather face the Acturians than the Draconians; reptiles are creepy. The story of Atlantis is fascinating, and I'd love to learn what happened there.
1/28/2023 12:37:58 am
Me too, Susanne! But to be honest, there's a part of me that's afraid to find out...mostly because I'm concerned that I might draw parallels to today's world. Thank for your comments! Best wishes, Donna : )
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